We can use time() function to calculate the difference between 2 dates in PHP. The time() function returns the current time as a Unix timestamp (the number of seconds since January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT).
The below function returns the number of minutes, hours, days and months between 2 timestamp.
function timeAgo($time) {
//get the time difference between current time and login time
// month difference
if (($timeDif/2592000)>=1) {
return floor(($timeDif/2592000))." month";
else {
return floor(($timeDif/2592000))." months";
//day difference
elseif (($timeDif/86400)>=1) {
if(floor(($timeDif/86400)) == 1){
return floor(($timeDif/86400))." day";
return floor(($timeDif/86400))." days";
//hour difference
elseif(($timeDif/3600)>=1) {
if(floor(($timeDif/3600)) ==1){
return floor(($timeDif/3600))." hour";
return floor(($timeDif/3600))." hours";
// minute differnece
elseif(($timeDif/60)>=1) {
if(floor(($timeDif/60)) ==1){
return floor(($timeDif/60))." minutes";
return floor(($timeDif/60))." minutes";
}else {
return "less than 1 minute";
The below function returns the number of minutes, hours, days and months between 2 timestamp.
* Minutes = 60 seconds
* Hour = 3600 seconds
* Day = 86400 seconds
* Month = 2592000 seconds
function timeAgo($time) {
//get the time difference between current time and login time
// month difference
if (($timeDif/2592000)>=1) {
return floor(($timeDif/2592000))." month";
else {
return floor(($timeDif/2592000))." months";
//day difference
elseif (($timeDif/86400)>=1) {
if(floor(($timeDif/86400)) == 1){
return floor(($timeDif/86400))." day";
return floor(($timeDif/86400))." days";
//hour difference
elseif(($timeDif/3600)>=1) {
if(floor(($timeDif/3600)) ==1){
return floor(($timeDif/3600))." hour";
return floor(($timeDif/3600))." hours";
// minute differnece
elseif(($timeDif/60)>=1) {
if(floor(($timeDif/60)) ==1){
return floor(($timeDif/60))." minutes";
return floor(($timeDif/60))." minutes";
}else {
return "less than 1 minute";