Tuesday 21 May 2013

Trim all the values in a column in a sql

Trim all the values in a column in a sql

SQL does not have a trim function. You'll need to use RTRIM and LTRIM together.
update MyTable set Name = RTRIM(LTRIM((name))

Thursday 16 May 2013

java.lang.classnotfoundexception com.mysql.jdbc.driver in jsp


When i try to have simple jdbc connection to mysql  in my jsp file, i get following console output in eclipse:
console output in eclipse:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

When i tried to have the same kind of connection from a simple java file it was working.


You should put the mysql connector JAR file in WEB-INF/lib directory of your project. Clean Build the project and restart the server.

Add Mysql connector in eclipse classpath

Add Mysql connector in eclipse classpath

1. Download mysql connector jar from
2. Open eclipse in java EE perspective (top right corner)
3. Right click the project go to Properties.
4. Choose Java Build Path and then Select Libraries tab
5. Click Add External JARs  and add the path of the mysql connector jar
6. Click Ok button and clean and build the project

Properties window for my java project

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver error


When I try connect my java program to mysql database using eclipse,i am getting the run time error
 "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"


The reason for the error is you don't have mysql-connector.jar in your Classpath. This jar
contains "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" class and it must be present in java classpath in order to successful connection to mysql database.
you can downlad mysql-connector.jar from

Click here for adding mysql connector jar to eclipseclass path

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Php mail tagged as Spam in Gmail Issue fixed


When I send mail using PHP mail() function,the mail is sent to the Spam folder in GMail.


You can fix this issue by using the fifth parameter in the mail function to build the header with a valid From address.

PHP Code


$from 'you@yourserver.com';

$message 'Hello';

$subject 'Test Mail';

mail($to$message$subject"From: $from""-f$from");


Monday 29 April 2013

XAMPP is currently only available as 32 bit application. Please use a 32 bit compatibility library for your system.

XAMPP is currently only available as 32 bit application. Please use a 32 bit compatibility library for your system.

This issue mainly faces when you are trying to install xampp in CentOS. It is because CentOS distro and installation lack many of the libraries  including 32 bit compatibility libraries. So it requires more work to get XAMPP running than on other distros like Ubuntu.

Steps to resolve the issue
1. To get 32 bit compatibility libraries type the below command in terminal
     yum -y install glibc* libstd* ld-linux.so.2
2. Start the xampp from terminal
    /opt/lampp/lampp start 


Thursday 25 April 2013

Install Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA) in Linux

Steps to install BWA in linux machine

1. Download BWA from http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net/
2. Save bwa-0.7.4.tar.bz2 it to your drive (eg: /usr/username)
3. Open the terminal from /usr/username and untar using the command  tar -xvf  bwa-0.7.4.tar.bz2
4. bwa-0.7.4 folder will be created in /usr/username.
5. Change directory to bwa-0.7.4 using command cd  bwa-0.7.4
6. Type command make
7. Create a file bwa.sh in etc/profile.d
8. Open the file and type
    export PATH

9. Save and close the bwa.sh
10. Open terminal from etc/profile.d
11. Type command
    chmod 755 bwa.sh
12. To check the installation , open the terminal and type bwa.